Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pride Season

Seattle's Famous Space Needle Topped by Pride Flag

The funny thing about places is that a lot of their character boils down to their people. A few weekends ago I attended Seattle's Pride Parade and subsequent Pride Fest. Not only was it a great time, filled with free parade route loot (baskets of strawberries, free burritos, day glo maracas, cookies, hilariously vulgar stickers and beads, anyone?) and outrageous passersby, it was also incredibly meaningful.
Taking place just days after gay marriage became legal in New York, the event was themed, "Be You. Be Proud. Express Yourself!" The parade and festivities were all about taking pride in one's individuality while not just tolerating but celebrating the city's diversity. Seattle did a wonderful job at this, with groups ranging from major corporations to local dance troupes filling the streets with creativity, rainbows, poignant political and public health messages and, of course, nudity for nudity's sake.
After many cumulative months and years spent in places around the world that stifle expression and individual freedoms, events like pride parades really make me grateful and proud to be in the U.S. If it's not too late, find a pride parade near you to celebrate your place's people.


  1. this looks like so much fun! pride was one of the top 5 favorite moments of sf living.
